Support Trees for Honolulu’s Future

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Growing up in Honolulu gave me a great appreciation for the natural environment, especially trees…and the beach! It was super-easy to set-up a monthly donation. Doing so allows me to give back each month and make a difference. Mahalo!

– Helen, former Hawai’i resident

Donate Now

As a 501(c)(3) organization, we will send a receipt for your donation. Rest assured, we will never sell or share your contact particulars. MAHALO!

Your donations support

Trees for Kaimuki – installation of a rain garden demonstration project (corner of 11th & Harding Avenues), planting of trees throughout the district, using innovate ways to engage with community, increase equity and access to parks in the area.
Addressing heat islands – an EPA grant to develop with solutions engaging youth as “Student Scientists” to come up with solutions for their schools, parks, and home. (Makalapa area of O’ahu; this involves Councilmember Cordero and several collaborating community partners).
Advocacy for trees protection and the increase of the urban tree canopy – actions include a comprehensive tree ordinance, updating where Honolulu stands (last data was from 2013) in its goal of achieving 35% tree canopy coverage in urban areas by 2035.
Annual “We ❤ Trees” Keiki Art Contest.
Support and facilitate funding of other groups’ activities.
Continue our work as a bridge-building organization that develops relationships and collaboration among policymakers, tree experts, arborists, environmentalists, educators, community activists, architects, facility managers, developers, planners, and leaders in academia, science, business, the military, and in health and wellness, as well as individuals interested in neighborhood or community improvement.
For more info about the GuideStar Seal of Transparency, visit their website here.

More ways to support trees!

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