Paper size: 8.5 x 11 inches, horizontal or vertical. Pen and ink, crayons, pastels, and/or paints may be used. Drawings may not be computer enhanced and no cutouts.
Artboard size: 8.5 x 11 inches, horizontal or vertical. Use your favorite drawing software or app to create your artwork.
Here are two resources teachers can use to inspire their students:
Connecting with Trees: A Multi-Sensory Multi-Day Program
For Grades K through 2
“I love how you make earth the central idea of this beautiful art piece and how trees revolve around that too. Awesome work!”
-Ashley, Judge
“I like the bright yellow set off from dark background.”
-Kathy, Judge
“I liked how there is a lot going on, but it is cohesive and not distracting. It perfectly conveys the message that trees affect everyone.”
-Grace, Judge
P.O. Box 12051
Honolulu, Hawai’i 96828
Trees for Honolulu’s
Future is a non-profit
501(c)(3) organization